Kangoo Jumpboots Studies
Targeted Muscles For Jumping Higher
The same muscles that are required for improving a vertical jump are targeted when using the Jump Boots...and by training with the JumpBoots, you are increasing your muscle strength in a manner that is similar to jumping. Muscle simulation that replicates the required motion improves the muscles ability to perform that motion.
Cross-Training with the JumpBoots is the Most Effective.
Let's face it, Jump Boots were designed for fitness. It was not recognized until after thousands of aerobics and fitness enthusiasts began using the Kangoo JumpBoots regularly that many of the other benefits came to light. This is not to say the JumpBoots alone will get you slam dunking a basketball, but mixed into your training, specific to jumping...the Jump Boots may be the most fun way to specifically improve your vertical Jump!
Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes Have Additional Benefits.
Rebound exercise is a unique concept in that the motion brings on a state of "zero gravity" ...no gravitational forces applied to your body, at an unprecidented rate of every 2-3 seconds (Only Astronauts experience more of this affect). The sensation is beyond what can be written on a web site, but keep in mind, that less than 2% of all Internet orders over 4 years for the JumpBoots, have resulted in returns...for any reason!!!
STUDY 1: Energy Use while Training With Jump Boots Recently, an Australian study has proved that Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes spared articulations. It would be interesting to know energetic cost of the Jump Boots compared to an aerobic activity such as jogging. The aim is to know with what intensity it is better to practice it while raising the consumption of oxygen and the energetic cost...Read More
STUDY 2: Joint Impact while Training With Jump Boots Impact force experienced during running has been recognized as a source of injury. Much less is known about these phenomena during JumpBoots, a revolution in shoe design, which includes a spring attached to the sole of the shoe. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact characteristics for Jump Boots and to test the hypothesis that there is lower impact shock during Jump Boots than in running...Read More
Physiology Study
Recently, an Australian study has proved that Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes spared articulations. It would be interesting to know energetic cost of the Jump Boots compared to an aerobic activity such as jogging. The aim is to know with what intensity it is better to practice it while raising the consumption of oxygen and the energetic cost.
In the beginning, this product was created to reduce the impact on the articulations of the knees and ankles while jogging; it was then improved to be used in Fitness centres for aerobic courses.
The experience consists in measuring the difference of energetic cost that is created by using Jump Boots instead of usual shoes. These JumpBoots have a rigid shell (the shoe) that is fixed on two semi-spherical lamellas that act as a spring. A test in a laboratory is made in order to measure the exchanges of gas and to calculate the real cost of the exercise at each speed.
8 volunteers, male and females, participated the experience. All of them weekly practice one or many sportive activities, and they have already used the Jump Boots. The anthropometrical characteristics, means and standard deviations are shown in the table xxx.
The subjects accomplished a progressive exercise that permitted to determine the consumption of oxygen. It is realised on a moving walkway. The selection of the speed is possible thanks to a console of control. The speed of the moving walkway has been checked with and without the subject. It corresponds to the speed shown on the console. The exercise is made with a slope of OO/o and consists in running at different speeds on a moving walkway (8,10 and 12 kmlh).Each stage lasts 3 minutes, so that a state of equilibrium is reached. There is no pause between the succession of the stages.
The first half of the group starts with the Jump Boots and the other half with usual shoes. 45 minutes later, the test is repeated by exchanging the different shoes.
The cardiac frequency is continuously measured by a Baumann’s belt (BHL 6000) and is processed by the program AncarElite 2.0 (Baumann).
Ventilation (VeBTps) is obtained by integrating the measure of the flow. Oxygen consumption (Vo2 STPD) and carbonic gas production are obtained thanks to Haldane’s equation. The "breathing rate" (QR) is also calculated. All factors are calculated within an mean of 30 seconds, while taking into account the temperature and the pressure.
The results of energetic costs, ventilation, breathing rate, oxygen consumption and cardiac frequency are presented for each subject in the table 2. We can notice that half of the subjects have reached or are above their anaerobic limit while using the Kangoo Jump Boots at 12 km/h. Mean values, standard deviation and the statistic values that are presented above are exposed in the table 3. The mean energetic cost obtained by the 8 subjects, at 8, 10 and 12 km/h with the Jump Boots is respectively of 154, 165 and 206 Cal/mm/kg. With absolute or relative value (1kg), the oxygen consumption is significantly higher (p<O,05) with the Jump Boots compared to jogging. This difference is more important at lower speeds than at higher speeds. Indeed, at 8 and 10 km/h, the difference varies between 20 and 13%, while at 12 km/h, this variation is only of 7%. This diminution is also valid for the values of energetic expense in kcal/min. Indeed, with the Jump Boots, we obtain values that are superior of 19% at 8 km/h and 7% at 12km/h. Figure 1 and 2 illustrate two mean values of table 3.
The results that are obtained confirm the previous hypothesis: the energetic expense is higher, at a same speed, in Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes than in jogging. Yet, it is interesting to notice that the more the speed increases, the more the difference diminishes. This could spring from the fact that many subjects at a speed of 12 km/h have reached or gone beyond their anaerobic limit (QR>1, showing the anaerobic phase) and so the values of oxygen consumption (with or without Jump Boots) come up to a common level. Furthermore, for these same subjects, no significant difference concerning cardiac frequency is observed at 12 km/h, which would confirm the hypothesis that these subjects are very close to their "limit". Yet, the more the speed increases, the more the rate increases, the more the time of contact decreases, so the use of elasticity of the Jump Boots is very much diminished or even non-existent. The biomechanical factors should also be taken into account. At low speed, it is possible to entirely exploit the elasticity of the blades of the Jump Boots.
The movement of the JumpBoots imitates more and more the movement of jogging, which would diminish the energetic expense per kilometre and consequently the oxygen consumption. Besides, with the increase of the speed, the subject tends to bend forward, which prevent him to make the best use of the Jump Boots. Indeed, the Jump Boots are built so that the maximum elasticity is obtained when the subject presses vertically on the shoes. So it would be better to work at low speed or at low rate.
It also worth noticing that with the subjects that often use the Jump Boots (subjects 2, 4 and 6), the difference of their oxygen consumption is 9o/o at 8 km/h and is negligible at 12 km/h. So, part of the differences obtained in average results can be explained by lower performances on behalf of the subject that are not used to it.
The JumpBoots are interesting for people who wish to have a important energetic expense while sparing their articulations. We can notice that at a same speed, the energetic expense with the Jump Boots is the same as by jogging at a speed of 2 km/h inferior. The Jump Boots spare the articulations of the knees and ankles by a diminution of the shocks. Finally, the use of the Jump Boots can be therefore useful in sportive re-education of athletes. Note: a complementary study is in progress.
We are very thankful to Doctor Gremion’s collaboration at the orthopaedic hospital in Lausanne.
Impact Study
Impact force experienced during running has been recognized as a source of injury. Much less is known about these phenomena during Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, a revolution in shoe design, which includes a spring attached to the sole of the shoe. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact characteristics for Jump Boots and to test the hypothesis that there is lower impact shock during Jump Boots than in running. 11 athletes (6 males and 5 female’s subjects) participated in the study. Each completed two different trials with low-mass accelerometers attached to the proximal tibia and to the lumbar spine (L5). Each performed three trials of vertical jumping and a trial of running for 20 seconds at a self-pace, wearing his or her normal training shoes and the Jump Boots.
Our results showed that the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes condition exhibited a significant reduction of the acceleration force present during running. We observed an acceleration of 7g at the tibia and 2.5g at the lumbar spine with the training shoes; with the Jump Boots, the acceleration impact force was only 3.5g at the tibia and 1.9g at the lumbar spine.It is concluded that Jump Boots running results in less impact shock to the body with each foot contact and may be a useful exercise modality for the rehabilitation in case of reducing impact shock during aerobic training.Impact, Shock Attenuation, Accelerometers, Jump Boots
Walking and running are well known as exercises that can improve cardiovascular endurance, strengthen muscles and reduce body fat. Under normal circumstances of running or jumping, the elastic compliance of the internal structure of the foot such as the internal arch and tendons reduce impact forces and provide only about 40 to 60% energy return.
One aspect of running which has been well-documented is the impact shock transmitted through the body when the foot collides with the ground. This event occurs about 6.000 times in a race of 10 km. The shock wave is transmitted across the structures of the lower extremity and upward through the spine to the head. One positive aspect of the shock is to stimulate the bone mass density of the lower extremities. However repetitive landings and impacts have also been implicated in degenerative diseases for the knees and the hips.
In case of injuries, it seems to be important to restore the full ability to compete using different methods which diminish joint loading without diminishing the capacity to improve the cardiovascular endurance.
Recently, there has been a fitness shoe system developed, which is fun the Jump Boots shoe, that would appear to attenuate the impact of high acceleration forces. The shoe is constructed in a similar fashion to that of an inline roller skate, with the exception of wheels. Under the shoe is an elliptical arch stretching from the toe to the heel of the shoe that is bisected with a removable band. At each step we observe a depression of the arch that works like a spring and returns to its previous form.
The purpose of this study was to examine impact shock and the attenuation characteristics during JumpBoots running. To that end we have measured impact acceleration at the tibia and lumbar spine during JumpBoots jumping and running and compared these results with data collected from the same subjects while running with normal training shoes.
Eleven healthy subjects (mean +1- SD age 31+!- 7 yr.; height 176 +1- 11 cm.; mass: 64.6 +1- 9 kg.), 6 males and 5 females volunteered to take part in the study. They were sport teachers in fitness centers and none reported any significant musculoskeletal disorder. All subjects were trained in Jump Boots. They performed trials in each of 2 conditions: 2 jogging on a trail of 50 meters at self pace, wearing his or her normal training shoes and the Jump Boots.
The impact shock in each trial was quantified by measurement of the peak acceleration (PA) that occurred just after foot landing in each stance phase at the proximal tibia level and at the lumbar spine level by 3 piezoresistive accelerometers (IC Sensors 3021) oriented in orthogonal directions.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the peak acceleration force characteristics when jogging in a pair of Jump Boots compared to normal training shoes. The results clearly show that the Jump Boots result in considerable less impact forces being transferred to the lower limbs compared to the normal training shoes. In particular, the impulse during first initial contact with the ground is reduced some 50%. Furthermore, the length of the step measured by the time in the air is greater with rebound shoes than with training shoes. This is a valuable contribution to attenuate the frequencies of impacts of the lower limb with the ground for the same intensity of the physical work.
The frequency analysis of tibial and lumbar spine acceleration showed that Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes running condition demonstrated less impact acceleration, with lower values than running with training shoes for peak and median frequency. The frequency range is associated with the collision of the foot to the ground and this frequency band may be implicated in musculoskeletal injuries. Some have suggested that removal of higher frequencies may reduce the likelihood of degenerative joint diseases. Jump Boots may therefore prove to be an aerobic exercise workout that is less harmful to the joints in terms of repetitive impacts of the foot and ground.
The results of the frequency analysis for the running trials agree with other studies. The running condition with training shoes displayed peaks between 6 and 10 g at the tibia level as found in previous studies. With Jump Boots, the peak acceleration is 50% lower. The attenuation of the force impact is significant.
These preliminary results showed promise for the use of Jump Boots for low impact exercise such as recreational jogging or fitness. The uninjured person may be able to continue with a high volume ground based activity without the impact injury risk inherent in the sport activity. Further there may be application of these shoes in rehabilitating patients with lower limb injuries. The patients could perform activities similar to normal jogging, maintaining cardiovascular endurance but in a lower impact situation. Jogging with Jump Boots may be a valuable intermediate step in the rehabilitation process.
Training for long distance races is another possible use for Jump Boots. Top level athletes have to train more than 10 hours in the week. To reduce the risk of an overuse injury, many athletes perform aqua jogging, an other training method to increase the aerobic capacity. Jump Boots shoes minimise the impacts with the ground and offer a good opportunity to train outdoor without the risk of injuries like stress fractures and tendinitis.
The time domain variables output for statistical analysis were PA tibia and PA lumbar spine. The main effect of condition for these dependent variables was tested using a within-subject, repeated-measures ANO VA.
Typical examples of tibial and spine accelerometer signals during the stance phase for both running with rebound and training shoes are shown in figure 1 and 2.
During running we observed a lower significant peak impact for rebound shoes (P = 0.00 1). Mean PA tibia value for the JumpBoots running condition was 4 G, the mean spine value, 2.5 G whereas running with normal training shoes showed higher values of force acceleration; 7.8 G PA tibial and 2.3 PA spine.
The length of the step measured by the time in air is greater with rebound shoes: 143 cm with JumpBoots, 123 with training shoes.
Tables 1, 2 and 3 present a summary of all variables and the results of statistical tests between conditions